Nook 1.2 Emulator
I was able to build an emulator for Nook version 1.2. See my previous post for the prerequisites. Basically you need some utilities installed: smali, baksmali, unyaffs, and mkyaffs2image. You also need the Android SDK installed on your computer.
Here are the steps:
1: download the nook 1.2 soft-root image from nookdevs. For the rest of this post I assume you have copied it into the directory ~/nook_dev/ and we will be working on it from there.
2. extract the bravo_update.dat, cd into it and extract root.tgz
3. extract root.tgz
4. cd into system/framework and unjar services.jar
5. disassemble the classes.dex file inside services.jar
6. vi out/com/android/server/ServerThread.smali
search for a line that contains
delete that line.
7. reassemble out/ directory
8. copy the new out.dex over the old classes.dex and re-jar services.jar
else find the android command and run it, or run it from eclipse.
This starts the Android SDK and AVD Manager. To create a new AVD, click New…
Name: nook
Target: Android 1.5
Skin: click Resolution, and fill in 488 x 944
click “Create AVD”.
Then click “Details” to see where it was created. It should be at ~/.android/avd/nook.avd
10. unyaffs the system.img and grab a file
11. re-create the system.img with the new audio file.
this creates a new system.img
12. Sketchy step where you overwrite the good Android 1.5 platform system.img in your Android SDK with this new one.
Remember to change this back later if you want to do non-nook related Android Development.
13. run the emulator!
mv bravo_update.dat bravo_update-1.2.tar.gz
tar xvzf bravo_update-1.2.tar.gz
cd Firmware_Update
tar xvzf root.tgz
cd root
cd system/framework/
jar xvf services.jar
baksmali classes.dex
if-lt v0, v1, :cond_309
smali out/
mv out.dex classes.dex
jar cvf services.jar classes.dex
Now we are going to build an android AVD, so we can extract a single file to use back in this system.
9. if your android SDK tools are in your path Run,android
cd ~/nook_dev/
mkdir sys_img
cd sys_img
cp ~/android-sdk-linux_86/platforms/android-3/images/system.img .
unyaffs system.img
cp lib/ ~/nook_dev/Firmware_Update/Firmware_Update/system/lib/
cd ~/nook_dev/Firmware_Update/Firmware_Update/
mkyaffs2image ./system/ system.img
mv ~/android-sdk-linux_86/platforms/android-3/images/system.img ~/android-sdk-linux_86/platforms/android-3/images/good.img
cp ~/nook_dev/Firmware_Update/Firmware_Update/system.img ~/android-sdk-linux_86/platforms/android-3/images/system.img
emulator @nook -shell -show-kernel -verbose